Egyptian Knowledge Bank Launches SCiNiTO for Egypt

Egyptian Knowledge Bank

22 November 2023

Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB), one of the world's most extensive knowledge management and distribution initiatives, has adopted and launched SCiNiTO on a national basis in Egypt.

EKB started in 2016 as a consortium of global academic and research content publishers in Egypt. Since its inception, it has managed to overhaul Egyptian academic and research rankings worldwide and has become a significant symbol of progress. EKB has a collection of academic and research journals, books, and Databases. However, it is unique because it has focussed on local knowledge production. It offers numerous services such as scholarly journal publication, conference management, digital library, digital repository, and many more.

Notion Wave has been EKB's technology partner from the start. It has provided the majority of EKB's software services. Please see below for a list.

In 2023, Notion Wave partnered with the EKB to deploy its flagship research ecosystem (SCiNiTO) in the EKB. This was in line with the sustainability goals of the EKB and its drive to self-sufficiency. The first version of SCiNiTO was rolled out in June 2023.

Millions of Academic staff members, Researchers, and University students can access SCiNiTO. In addition to its significant knowledge base, SCiNiTO includes all subscribed international journals and books, which makes it a single point of search and access to all EKB holdings and Open Access contents. 

EKB Ecosystem

SCiNiTO is at the heart of the EKB Ecosystem which consists of 9 extra products.

iKNiTO Digital Library

Explore All Your Resources Anytime Anywhere

iKNiTO Journal System

A Multi Language Journal Flow Management

iKNiTO Journal Evaluation

Ensure High Quality and Timely Publishing

iKNiTO Conference System

Academic Conference Flow Management

iKNiTO Digital Repository

National Academic Repository of Egypt

iKNiTO Smart Fund

Total Solution for Funding Open Access Article Publishing

Training Workflow System

Streamline Master Classes Participation

EKB Academy

Academy for Research and Article Writing


Cloud Based Online Learning Platform